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Austin Mansfield, DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC
Behavioral Health

Austin Mansfield, DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC is at the following locations:

Southwest Spine and Pain Center: St. George (Vista Medical Center)


Contact Info
Phone : 435.656.2424
Degree: University of Utah – Doctorate of Nursing Practice


Austin graduated with his Doctorate of Nursing Practice degree from the University of Utah in 2022. He has also worked over four years as a registered nurse in a behavioral health unit in Salt Lake City. He makes meaningful connections with his patients through listening, empathy, and validation.


Vista Healthcare offers locations throughout Utah in a variety of specialties, including pain management, neurology, rheumatology, and more. We are proud to provide the most comprehensive medical care in the state, with a team of highly-experienced providers and staff with world-class training.